Augusta Local SEO Services

Kingdom Web Pros' team has over two decades of expertise and is a prominent local SEO company.
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Services for Local SEO Marketing

From 1998 onward, members of our team are some of the most experienced SEO professionals in the U.S. Many of us have been around longer than Google. Through the years our team has earned considerable recognition and respect throughout the SEO community, as well as an A+ Rating with the BBB. We offer a high-performance SEO program ideal for businesses seeking local SEO help. What separates a local SEO campaign from a national or international campaign is the intense focus we place on gaining locally based-keyword rankings. Local SEO is essential for all companies, but especially critical for businesses that focus exclusively on a local community.

We address all key areas of Augusta’s local SEO service requirements: (1) Content optimization, (2) Technical SEO and (3) Business citations and inbound links. Through mastery of these three key SEO components, we help our clients gain strong search engine rankings for critical search phrases in the communities they serve. We can build the SEO strategy and execute the plan while remaining remarkably affordable.
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First Performance Guarantee

Our first performance guarantee is to secure a minimum of five new and relevant keyword rankings every month. This is crucial for ensuring your campaign's continued growth. We only consider a ranking new if it appears within the first two pages of Google's search results.
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Second Performance Guarantee

Our aim is to achieve a net positive gain in keyword rankings each month, ensuring that not only new relevant keywords are being captured but also that preexisting rankings are improving.
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Tasks for Local SEO

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Research & Optimization

KEYWORD RESEARCH – Uncovering the most pertinent and frequently searched keyword phrases that are likely to lead to conversions.
INITIAL ON–SITE CONTENT OPTIMIZATION (VISIBLE) – Enhancing the visible and readable content on your website, while keeping your target keywords in mind. Up to 10 web pages.
INITIAL CONTENT OPTIMIZATION (NON – VISIBLE) – Implementing "White Hat" (ethical) optimization to enhance non-visible HTML elements like META tags, Page TITLE, Alt Tags, etc. Up to 10 web pages.
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Assess & Improve

SEO AUDIT – Comprehensive analysis of the website's SEO performance, including inbound link quality, volume, on-page link and content crawling, duplicate content issues, and other factors that may impact the SEO campaign's effectiveness.
SCHEMA MARKUP – Integration of structured data markup in JSON-LD format, recommended by Google for compatible CMS' to improve search results and click-through rates.
BACKLINK AUDIT & REMOVAL – In case of identifying bad inbound links during the SEO audit, we post them to the Google Disavow Links resource to diminish their negative impact on search rankings.
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Creation and Archiving

WEBSITE ARCHIVING - We archive web pages that are targeted for optimization before and after implementing the initial SEO work. This provides a comparison between the webpage's status before and after the SEO campaign.
CONTENT CREATION - We provide content creation services as per the requirement. This includes the creation of new content or web pages targeting essential search phrases that the website does not support before the SEO campaign's launch.
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Submissions & Listings

BUSINESS DIRECTORY SUBMISSIONS – Submission of business information and profile creation on business directory websites to build links and online presence. This includes prominent portals like and Merchant Circle.
ONLINE YELLOWPAGE SUBMISSIONS – Submission of business information and profile creation on online yellow pages websites like to further expand online presence and visibility.
GPS & MOBILE MAP SUBMISSIONS – Submission of business information and profile creation on GPS systems like TomTom, Chevy, Toyota and other major automotive manufacturers, as well as mobile map services to improve local search rankings.
VOICE RECOGNITION & SEARCH SUBMISSIONS – Submission of business information and profile creation on voice search technology like Apple’s Siri, Windows Phones and Android Devices to improve visibility on these platforms.
BUSINESS LISTING NETWORK – Posting of business information and profiles on a network of 200+ sources including Business Directories, Online Yellow Pages, GPS/Mobile Systems and Voice Recognition technology to build strong online presence and increase search engine rankings.
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Augusta's Local SEO Services & Sitemaps

GOOGLE MY BUSINESS – Creation or optimization of a Google My Business profile to improve local search engine visibility. This allows your business to rank higher on Google Search Engine Results in the Augusta area.

XML SITEMAPS – Development of XML sitemaps to facilitate comprehensive search engine crawling and detect website crawling concerns. Sitemaps are then submitted to and crawled by all major search engines.
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Services & Account Creation:

ADAPTATION TO SEARCH ENGINE RANKING UPDATES - Make adjustments to the campaign as needed to accommodate Google's 500+ yearly ranking adjustments to rank higher on Google’s Search Engine Results in Augusta.
ONGOING SEO SERVICES - Perform ongoing SEO tasks on a month-to-month basis to prioritize specific elements that will produce the best results, such as content creation, optimization adjustments, inbound link building, keyword retargeting, product targeting (Data Highlighting), strategy adjustments, website infrastructure cleanup, bad link removal, and more.
GOOGLE ANALYTICS ACCOUNT CREATION - Create a Google Analytics account if one does not already exist, evaluate website traffic statistics to identify website strengths and weaknesses, and provide feedback concerning campaign performance.
WEBMASTER TOOLS ACCOUNT CREATION - Create and install a Webmaster Tools account for Google and Bing to receive direct feedback from the search engines concerning relevant performance metrics specific to the website, identify website and campaign problems, and provide direction for future SEO work.
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Recommendations & Reports

WEBSITE IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATION – If necessary, informal recommendations to improve conversion rates, site infrastructure, or other issues that could positively impact website performance.

MONTHLY RANKING REPORTS & UPDATES – Monthly reports detailing keyword rankings for relevant keywords on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Also includes updates on the progress and details of the SEO campaign.

INTERNET MARKETING CONSULTING – With over 20 years of experience, we offer internet marketing consulting services to provide insights and guidance on what strategies work best for your business.

Local SEO Info Request



At Kingdom Web Pros, we provide top-notch services at a very competitive price point that's usually lower than our competitors. If you're unsure about what your business needs, we can help you design a strategic SEO campaign that best aligns with your goals. Get in touch with us today to request a free Local SEO analysis and campaign proposal. Apart from Local SEO, our team can assist you with a range of other solutions including:

SEO Marketing
PPC Management
Social Media Management
Sales Lead Tracking
Content Marketing
Website Design
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Augusta Local SEO Services

Who We Are: With over two decades of proven expertise on our team, Kingdom Web Pros stands as a leading local SEO service provider in Augusta. Our team of seasoned professionals takes a three-pronged approach to SEO: content optimization, technical SEO, and business citations and links.

Performance Guarantee: We're committed to driving results. Our first guarantee aims for at least five new relevant keyword rankings each month. Our second focuses on a net positive gain in keyword rankings, ensuring your SEO campaign is always moving forward.

Get in Touch: Ready to elevate your local search rankings in Augusta?
Contact us for a free Local SEO analysis and a tailor-made campaign proposal. We also offer a full spectrum of digital marketing solutions to complement your SEO efforts.
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